The only way to know the cellulitis truth.
An aesthetic problem?
Under normal conditions, the adipos membrane is abundantly irrigated by the small blood vessels. When cellulitis is present, these blood veins are affected.
The most recent investigations done with the help of adipos membrane biopsies have clarified the truth that cellulitis is an illness and not an aesthetic problem.
The progress of cellulitis is fortunately very slow in evolution and for this reason is reversible in its first phases.
It is very difficult for women not to have cellulitis by their mid-thirties (in many cases they have it before then) and also after becoming mothers.
This is basically reason why there are so many methods and products on the market designed to combat cellulitis and they come in a range of prices.
Knowing this, what woman would not like to know if she has cellulitis, and if she has it and is treating it, to see how the treatment is working?
Sometimes it is not easy without our CELLULITIS THERMOINDICATOR KIT to know if a person has cellulitis or is overweight or if it is one thing or the other.
Anticipate the appearance of CELLULITIS.
Try our Cellulitis Thermoindicator Kit (Cellu-Test) if you have or if you do not have cellulitis. In the event that you do not have cellulitis, congratulations.
In the event that you have cellulitis and you are doing something to combat it, try our Cellulitis Thermoindicator Kit (Cellu-Test) to check the progress of the treatment.
Our Cellulitis Thermoindicator Kit (Cellu-Test) will save you a lot of money because you will be able to tell if the method or treatment you are using is correct.
The Cellulitis Thermoindicator Kit (Cellu-Test) is as easy to use as a thermometer. It is a product that will last for years.
Thermoindicator Kit (Cellu-test).
is it and how it works.
The Kit Cellulitis Thermoindicator (Cellu-Test) is a sheet of microencapsulated liquid crystal that through simple contact with the skin indicates whether cellulitis exists or not, and if so, shows the degree of said cellulitis. One of the first external symptoms of cellulitis is the difference of the temperature of the skin in the region affected by cellulitis. The human body has to maintain a stable temperature and does this by means of a thermoregulation mechanism increasing or decreasing the flow of blood close to the surface of the skin. This makes the temperature rise or fall.
Deficient or abnormal blood circulation produces a cooling of the zone of the skin affected by cellulitis. Only in very advanced phases of cellulitis is it possible to detect the difference in cutaneous temperature by touching the region to be examined. Without doubt, from the start of cellulitis there are almost imperceptible differences in the temperature of the skin. This requirement of measuring practically imperceptible differences can be met by a new method: "Thermography with microencapsulated liquid crystals."
Save money using the right methods and products. |
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